Gray Area, a research concept

gray area as research concept. I started to think about the "gray area" as a concept to work with...

Since I were in Croatia in the gray )( area Gallery, I started to think about the “gray area” as a concept to work with. So at my time as full time teacher at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León I had the opportunity to publish a book chapter about this theme.

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Abstract (of my chapter)

This research reflects the theoretical arguments and proposals in the field of the artistic investigation, recovered from a self reflexion about the Master thesis Art realities and the visual art project The Cloudwalkers, both created by the author to achieve an MFA in New Media by Danube Universität (Austria) in collaboration with the Transart Institute (E.E.U.U.). It is a self critical document that considers both the writing and the art project as part of the thesis, from which a theoretical study is realized, revealing possible research instruments and strategies for visual arts.

Keywords: research, visual arts, metaphor, hermeneutics, interpretation.

The only place to consult or buy the book is by the UANL, in its book shop or “Casa del Libro” in Monterrey, NL México, so I include here my chapter in draft (in spanish), before style editing; suscribe to this blog and download this and any other content available on it. If you use it for your work please cite this document as published in the book:

Cepeda, S. (2012). “Áreas Grises: Territorios de Investigación Artística”. En M.A. Méndez (Ed.) Estudios en las Artes Visuales, Vol. I. (1a ed., pp. 96-120). Monterrey, N.L: UANL. ISBN 978-607-433-943-7

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