“Mediated Phenomenon” (2015) Austin, Tx.

This project is the artistic complement of a paper that I read at the "New Directions in Anthropology" graduated student conference at The University of Texas at Austin. The paper talks about audiovisual post-production as a form o re-mediation and method in Visual Anthropology Research.

“Mediated Phenomenon” is the title of this project; is the artistic complement of a paper that I read at the “New Directions in Anthropology” graduated student conference at The University of Texas at Austin. The paper can be accessed in academia.edu and talks about audiovisual post-production as a form o re-mediation and method in Visual Anthropology Research. Basically, the three channel video projection shows the following:

“A wedding film legitimizes the protagonist’s social contract; it is an ego-centered document. The accentuation of egos or the contexts (with the face tracking and masking action in postproduction) re-mediate the film and transfigure it in a social network documentation, since in face-centered version we can see people who are in a repeated position in reference with the groom or the bride (main ego subjects). Additionally, the juxtaposition of faces version, brings the ego’s subjectivity out in the exaltation of gestures.” (Cepeda, 2015)

This art project was possible because of the Support:  The Anthropology Department Computer Lab & LLILAS – BENSON Collection of the University of Texas at Austin And The Consejo para la Cultura de Nuevo León.

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